
Centparcent - 100% SwissDEM


The external validity of epidemiological studies depends largely on the representativeness of the individuals included in the study (sample). Community participation in all phases of the epidemiological study is a crucial element of this representativeness. As part of SwissDEM-a single-phase epidemiological study of the prevalence of dementia in Ticino, Switzerland-this specific project aimed to investigate motivations for and resistance to research participation among the elderly. We conducted twenty-two in-depth interviews with individuals already involved in the validation phase of SwissDEM. The thematic analysis of the audio- and video-recorded interviews allowed us to develop an ad hoc communication strategy for participant recruitment. Specifically, through the involvement of the population in the co-construction of a communication campaign, we aim to increase participation in SwissDEM.



01.11.2019 - 31.10.2020