
Young athletes and concussion: a study of the situation in Italian-speaking Switzerland



Concussion is one of the most common injuries in young people. One of the circumstances in which it can occur is during the practice of contact sports.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to measure the level of knowledge about concussions among young people who play contact sports and their parents, and the factors associated with them (e.g., personal experiences). This will allow the development of strategies to decrease risk.

Conduct of the study

The study involves filling out an anonymous questionnaire to young people who play soccer, field hockey, rugby, volleyball or basketball. The youths must be residents of Ticino and be between the ages of 12 and 18. Completion of a questionnaire is also expected from one of their parent.

Disclosure of results

The results of the study will be disclosed in aggregate and anonymous format on the project website, in scientific journals and presented at public events. This ensures that individual study participants will not be recognized.



Anne-Linda Camerini (IPH)

Marta Fadda (IPH)

Barbara Göggel-Simonetti (EOC-Biomed)

Giovanna Pedroni (IPH)


Davide Bassi (CHUV)

Jacopo Calciolari (EOC)

Andrea Castiglioni (Pediatra e medico dello sport)

With the support of

IBSA Caring Innovation

Fondazione Fragola

In collaboration with

Ente Ospedaliero cantonale (EOC)